
Kristina Weaver is a wielder of mythological and folkloric storytelling, using printmaking to explore familiar tales through a modern and speculative lens.
Kristina Weaver was born in Vermont and was raised in rural, central Ohio. She graduated from The Ohio State University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in painting and drawing (but took several printmaking classes and caught the printmaking bug). She became an associate member of Phoenix Rising in 2021, a core member in 2022, and secretary starting in 2024. When she is not printmaking or traveling around Ohio to sell her art, she is reading (mostly science fiction, horror, or non-fiction), bingeing television, working out, or working on a cross-stitch. She currently lives in Columbus, Ohio.
Her work has been exhibited at the Pricilla R. Tyson Cultural Arts Center, Urban Arts Space, Balck Rock Editions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and PullProof Studio in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania.
Inspired by mythology, religion, folklore, literature, and science, my work explores these familiar images through a sometimes modern, sometimes speculative lens. Printmaking is my primary medium for creating as I bounce around using relief, silkscreen, lithographic, mokuhanga, and intaglio methods.