Silkscreen. 36” x 30”

Christine D’Epiro Abbott studied printmaking at the Glasgow School of Art in Glasgow, Scotland while completing her BFA at the Columbus College of Art and Design in Columbus, Ohio. She received her MFA from Washington University in St. Louis. Following her MFA, Christine was an artist-in-residence for a year at the Luminary in St. Louis, Missouri. She also completed an artist residency at the Vermont Studio Center in Johnson, Vermont. She has exhibited nationally for over ten years. Professionally, she has taught elementary age to college students with a wide variety of backgrounds and has over ten years of experience in a commercial art gallery setting.
A decade ago, I spent a year caring for another couple’s residence, cleaning and tidying up their possessions. This experience inspired me to create works depicting their domestic interior from memory. Now that I am home caring for my two young sons, I’ve returned to similar themes, from direct observation. My work has evolved alongside the ever-changing depicted rooms and has framed my experience as a parent. By offering an abstracted perspective of my family’s home, viewers are invited to enter the busy domain.
Architecture and furniture act as a backdrop for vivid activity and provide the viewer a method to imagine entering the scene. Skewed perspectives and frenzied marks interrupt the representation. In some areas, the depiction dissolves altogether into a formal pursuit of shape, color and texture.
Likewise, the shared space is a site of constant busyness, as evidenced by toys on the floor or baskets of laundry. Within the living area exist overlapping creative activities, diverging personal agendas, and a concurrent progression of both order and disorder.
While exploring these concepts, I am discovering parallel connections between the commotion occurring in our private world and the tumult of our current culture. I started this body of work through a relationship to an intimate space as a caretaker, and now I’ve transitioned to sharing a nuanced perspective of my own home through the lens of the overlapping roles of artist and mother.
2008 MFA Visual Art, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO
2005 BFA Fine Arts, Art History minor, summa cum laude, Columbus College of Art and Design, Columbus, OH
2004 Printmaking, Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow Scotland
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Solo Exhibitions
2020 Shelter (Our) Place, Dublin Arts Council, Dublin, OH (upcoming)
2018 Recent Works II, Gateway to the Arts at the John Glen International Airport, Columbus, OH
2018 Recent Works, Phoenix Rising Printmaking Cooperative, Columbus, OH
2013 This Island We Live On, Columbus Cultural Arts Center, Columbus, OH
2010 Stardust Staredust Stirdust, Wild Goose Creative, Columbus, OH
2008 Mobility, The Chapel, St. Louis, MO
2005 Connections, Acock Gallery Canzani Center, Columbus College of Art and Design, Columbus, OH
Selected Group Exhibitions
40th National Print Exhibition, Artlink Contemporary Gallery, Fort Wayne, IN
Art of the Heartland, Indianapolis Art Center, Indianapolis, IN
Visible Ink, The Ohio State University Faculty Club, Columbus, OH
2020 Four Rivers Print Biennial, Carbondale Community Arts, Carbondale, IL
INTERIORS, Cape Cod Museum of Art, Dennis, MA
Artlink Regional Exhibition 2020, Artlink Contemporary Gallery, Fort Wayne, IN
Ohio Paint|Print|Photo, Dairy Barn Arts Center, Athens, OH
My [Creative] Space, Columbus Metropolitan Library, Columbus, OH
Unseen/Seen BexArts Public Mural Project, Bexley, OH
INKED UP, Dayton Society of Artists, Dayton, OH
Ingrained, Columbus Metropolitan Library, Columbus, OH
Underwater, 934 Gallery, Columbus, OH
Celebrating Twenty Years of the Phoenix Rising Printmaking Cooperative, Wehrle Gallery,
Ohio Dominican University, Columbus, OH
Ohio State Fair Fine Arts Exhibition, Cox Fine Arts Exhibition Center, Columbus, OH
Art of the Heartland, Indianapolis Art Center, Indianapolis, IN
PRESS, Dayton Society of Artists, Dayton, OH (Second best in show)
Four Rivers Print Biennial, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL (Third best in show)
Habitation, Byers Gallery, Columbus College of Art and Design, Columbus, OH
Ohio Art League, Fall Juried Exhibition 2017, Columbus Metropolitan Main Library, Columbus, OH
Ohio State Fair Fine Arts Exhibition, Cox Fine Arts Exhibition Center, Columbus, OH
Alterations, Brandt-Roberts Galleries, Columbus, OH
Seasonal Awakening: Dormant No More, Brandt-Roberts Galleries, Columbus, OH
Five: Five Year Anniversary Signature Group Exhibition, Brandt-Roberts Galleries, Columbus, OH
Christine D’Epiro Abbott
Impact-Influence, Carnegie Gallery, Columbus Metropolitan Main Library, Columbus, OH
Ohio Art League Annual Spring Juried Exhibition, Columbus Public Library Carnegie Gallery, Columbus, OH
Ohio Art League 100th Annual Fall Juried Exhibition, Mount Vernon Nazarene University Schnormeier Gallery, OH
Elmhurst Artists’ Guild National Art Premiere 2010, Elmhurst Artists’ Guild, Elmhurst, IL
Returning home to 10,00 walks, McConnell Arts Center, Worthington, OH
Ohio Art League 99th Annual Spring Juried Exhibition, Fort Hayes Shot Tower Gallery, Columbus, OH
Searching for God: National Juried Exhibition, Wayne and Geraldine Kuhn Fine Art Gallery, Marion, OH
Elmhurst Artists’ Guild National Art Premiere 2010, Elmhurst Artists’ Guild, Elmhurst, IL
Faculty Exhibition, St. Louis ArtWorks, Centene Center for Arts and Education, St. Louis, MO
Multimedia Invitational: Breaking Form, St. Charles Community College, St. Charles, MO
When We Build Let Us Think We Build Forever, The Luminary Center for the Arts, St. Louis, MO
MFA 2008 Thesis, Drawing is thinking is drawing, Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum, St. Louis, MO
2007 MFA1, Des Lee Gallery, St. Louis, MO
Parabola, Graduate Student Juried Exhibition, Baseline Gallery, St. Louis, MO
2006 Ohio Art League Juried Exhibition, Columbus Museum of Art, Columbus, OH,
Ohio State Fair Fine Arts Exhibition, Cox Fine Arts Exhibition Center, Columbus, OH
Lowell Toldstedt Drawing Prize Finalist, Canzani Center Atrium, Columbus College of Art and Design
Ohio State Fair Fine Arts Exhibition, Cox Fine Arts Exhibition Center, Columbus, OH
Ohio Art League Juried Exhibition, Acock Galleries, Columbus, OH
2020 Bexley Public Library, Bexley, OH
2018 Nationwide Insurance, Columbus, OH (Commission)
2016 Greater Columbus Convention Center, Columbus, OH (Commission)
2012 Franklin County Convention Facilities Authority, Hilton Columbus Downtown, Columbus, OH
Awards and Residencies
Professional Development and Research Grant, Greater Columbus Arts Council in support of a Self-Styled Artist Residency, Zygote Press, Cleveland, OH
Unseen/Seen Bexley Temporary Mural Project, Bexley, OH
Aminah Brenda Lynn Robinson Professional Development and Research Grant, Greater Columbus Arts Council in support of a Artist Residency in Motherhood one-on-one mentorship with Lenka Clayton
Resource Grant, Greater Columbus Arts Council
Visiting Artist in Printmaking, Columbus College of Art and Design
Artist Residency, Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, VT (Artist/Writer Grant Award)
2008-2009 Resident Artist, The Luminary Center for the Arts, St. Louis, MO
2006 The Laura and William Jens Scholarship, Washington University in St Louis
2004 Dublin Arts Council Award, Ohio State Fair Fine Arts Exhibition