Welcoming Our New Studio Manager

Please help us welcome our new Studio Manager to Phoenix Rising!

We have hired current Core Member Elaina Workley in this position to achieve internal growth through administrative support and increased community access. She will be a pillar to marketing development, response and outreach for current and future members, and strengthening relationships with our community.

She will be working plenty behind the scenes to keep our day to day operations running smoothly, while meeting long term goals, freeing up time spent on admin tasks for our executive committee and other members. Our community will benefit as well: she will be at Phoenix two times a week to establish business hours for visitors and associate members, allowing us to be reliably more accessible and visible.

We are so excited to have her in this position, Elaina has been a trusted member since 2020 when she started as a superstar intern. Through her passion for printmaking, and her demonstrated responsibility, printmaking knowledge, and dedication to Phoenix Rising, we feel she is the ideal choice for this new beneficial position to achieve these goals and allow Phoenix to soar in the coming year!

Meet Elaina Here!

Hey Hi Hello! 

I wanted to reintroduce myself while I have you here. I’m I am so honored and excited to dive into this position to help Phoenix Rising grow and hopefully welcome even more of you into our lovely Cooperative! I’ve been a member here since 2020 and have not stopped talking about it since, without Phoenix Rising I wouldn’t be the artist I am today. Since launching my own business, Crying Pigeon Press, in 2023 Phoenix Rising has basically become my second home, printing into the depths of night and immersing myself into the quiet hollows of the studio. My practice and business has shifted plenty over the years with its fair share of trials, but knowing I have Phoenix Rising as a lighthouse of stability to return to when the tides change will always be a great comfort. Its resources and community are priceless to me- printmaking has a hold on a large chunk of my heart, and the other members here have the rest of it. I will do everything I can this next year as Studio Manager to give back and build up Phoenix so all of you know how amazing this place is too. 

If you’d ever like to visit us to see what I’m spilling my heart about, I’ll be in the studio on Tuesdays and Sundays every week so please reach out and come see me! I’ll also be taking over on social media and all administrative tasks, so you’ll know where to find me. I’m here for the cooperative but I’m also here for YOU. WE know how lovely Phoenix Rising is, but I’ll make sure you know as well! 

Hope to meet you all very soon, and in the meantime,

Happy Printing!

Elaina Workley

For upcoming Open Studio Hours or Hours of Operation, please see our Contact or Open Studio pages or email us at info@phoenixrisingprintmaking.org, Elaina will get back to you promptly!
