Silent Auction

Silent Auction Artists

Bid on a selection of original prints by several recognized and much-admired artists.

Sid Chafetz
“I’ve been a working artist for seven decades and I am still trying to save the world through my images.”

Denny Griffith
“What a splendid thing: to improvise upon a vocabulary of forms inspired by the world through a microscope.”

Nicholas Hill
Professor of Art, Otterbein University, he is represented by Chicago and Columbus galleries and exhibits widely.

Katherine Kadish
A painter and printmaker exhibiting internationally, she interprets nature with bold images and vivid color.

Kathy McGhee
A printmaker and educator at CCAD, her prints encourage a sense of introspection.

Evangelia Philippidis
She is a visual storyteller of Greek heritage and modern influences.

Laura Sanders
“I am a figurative painter experimenting with monotypes.”

Philip Von Raabe
“If life is but a dream, why then toil and vexation.”

Jim Weigle
A papermaker, printmaker and CCAD educator, his art reflects environmental and political observations.

Silent Auction Workshops

Bid on a selection of specialized workshops provided by Phoenix Rising.

“Mono a Mono”
Four friends pick a subject, then divide into two teams, each team partners with a PR member Monoprint mayhem ensues.

Meet the Presses!
You are invited to bring up to ten guests to tour Phoenix Rising and get in-depth explanations and demonstrations of various techniques, refreshments and a door prize.

Make an Impression
Make elegant sculptural embossments to decorate notepaper, greeting cards or frameable art pieces using one of our etching presses.

Vandercook Happy Hour
We do the work, you raise a glass! Come with a prepared linoleum block and party while Phoenix Rising members produce your prints on our relief letterpress!
