Sid Chafetz “I’ve been a working artist for seven decades and I am still trying to save the world through my images.”
Denny Griffith “What a splendid thing: to improvise upon a vocabulary of forms inspired by the world through a microscope.”
Nicholas Hill Professor of Art, Otterbein University, he is represented by Chicago and Columbus galleries and exhibits widely.
Katherine Kadish A painter and printmaker exhibiting internationally, she interprets nature with bold images and vivid color.
Kathy McGhee A printmaker and educator at CCAD, her prints encourage a sense of introspection.
Evangelia Philippidis She is a visual storyteller of Greek heritage and modern influences.
Laura Sanders “I am a figurative painter experimenting with monotypes.”
Philip Von Raabe “If life is but a dream, why then toil and vexation.”
Jim Weigle A papermaker, printmaker and CCAD educator, his art reflects environmental and political observations.