Members Return from Havana Inspired

In February, three of our Phoenix Rising Printmaking Core Members- Dave Pickard, Christine D’Epiro Abbott, and Karen Albanese Campbell flew to Cuba. For Karen and Christine, this was a return trip to visit their pieces in the Havana Biennial and for Dave, this was not only his first trip to Cuba but his first trip out of the country ever! For all, this was an international printing trip. Once they arrived in Cuba, they returned to Taller Experimental de Gráfica de La Habana to participate in a short residency, creating and making with resident Cuban printmakers and artists.

From left to right: Karen, Dave, Yamilys Brito Jorge (director of Taller Experimental de Gráfica de La Habana), and Christine

For Karen, this was her third trip to Cuba, a trip that turned out to be special and reflective for her. She shared with us, “I love to travel but there’s really something special about returning to a place over and over. Each visit has had treasures of its own. This trip was special because I got to finally see my art that has been hanging at the Taller as part of the 15th Havana Biennial. These experiences traveling with artists and working in the printmaking studio, Taller Experimental de Graphica have been incredibly and consistently rewarding each time. The Cuban community of printmakers demonstrate love and support for one another, setting an example for us to emulate, not just at my own cooperative studio, Phoenix Rising Printmaking Cooperative, but also among all artists in Columbus.  I hope to return to Havana!” Although Karen had plenty of fun on this trip seeing her print in the biennial and hanging out with other artists but, she kept herself BUSY! She produced not one but two lithographs and was able to edition them with the artists at Taller Experimental.

Karen proudly working on her plate- Polaroid by Brandon Abbott

“Carry On”, 11” x 14, lithograph

“Storms Over Havana”, 8”x10”, Lithograph, 5 prints

Christine and Dave check out Karen’s print “A Long Journey” in Havana

Member Christine Abbott returned to visit her print in the biennial, and to complete a new lithograph print as well. She had a delightful trip in Cuba, especially since her husband and fellow artist and photographer/videographer extraordinaire Brandon Abbott was along for the trip as well. She may have had the most fun on the trip, her motto seemed to be “Work n Play, Work n Play.” She reflected on the trip when she got back saying, “I’m so thankful for the now second opportunity to experience the rich culture of Cuba and meet so many welcoming, talented and capable artists. The experience has and continues to directly impact my work. The imagery is evolving to become more outward focused and I’m deeply inspired by the incredibly resourceful approach to living/making that is Cuba.” 

Biennial attendant appreciates Christine’s work “Sunshine City” in Havana

Christine with her finished lithograph

Christine working on her lithograph

Christine works on her litho stone

Dave also had a lovely time, it was so fun getting pictures back while the trio was away and trying to spot them all hard at work scattered about the studio. Dave was so excited to go to Cuba where he “was able to work with the master printers of the Taller Experimental de Graphica printer-making studio, one of the most important graphic arts establishments in Cuba, preserving the old printmaking techniques and churning out some of the most significant works of graphic art in Havana. In addition, I was able to get to know and connect with many members of the Columbus/central-Ohio arts community in a context that would be otherwise unavailable to me. I feel that making these connections was something I truly needed as an artist, though I didn’t realize that until I did it.” We love the energy this trip brought him and we can’t wait to hear more about it, hopefully he can return again soon!

Dave works on a stone

Dave admires his finished lithograph Print

Dave’s masterful litho stone


