Explore Printmaking
Opportunities abound for YOU to learn more about printmaking! Participate in one of our upcoming workshops, attend our artist talk at a current exhibition or consider scheduling individual educational sessions at your convenience.
View AllThe following courses are our current options for workshops led by our membership and invited guest artists. Other special workshops are offered periodically as well.
Any course can be scheduled by a group or by an individual interested in learning more about printmaking or expanding their printmaking skills. Fees vary. To inquire about scheduling a class, please email info@phoenixrisingprintmaking.org or call 614-444-2473.

Date: 03/22/2025
3-Color Monotypes: Wonders of Transparent Color
Explore the basics of color theory using transparent ink. We will be working with the three primary colors of transparent inks to create a full-color image. Your acrylic […]

Date: 04/13/2025
Gelli® Plates: Working with Stencils
Come and play–again! This workshop develops more complex images using Gelli® plates and water-based inks. You will learn the basics of designing a multi-layer print with stencils to […]

Date: 04/25/2025
Solarplate Etching – No Acid Intaglio
The Solarplate Etching technique continues to be one of our most popular classes! Since only Light and Water are needed to etch these plates, an intaglio plate is […]

Date: 05/09/2025
Decode Color With CMYK: A COSI Science Festival Steam Event
Yellow + Blue = Green, but do you know about the “CMYK” Color Code? Decode color during a hands-on silkscreen printmaking experiment! Kids and adults will investigate the […]

Date: 06/21/2025
Monoprint & Collagraph: Designed for Art Teachers (1 CEU)
This two-day workshop, is designed to earn 1 (one) Continuing Education Unit (CEU). We will focus on monoprints and collagraph, employing different techniques and materials to create a […]

Date: 07/19/2025
DIY Silkscreen: How to Make Screenprints at Home
Learn how to make a screen-print from start to finish using readily accessible materials*! This course will take you through the steps of how to prepare your art, […]

Date: 08/02/2025
Mokulito: Lithography on Wood 2025
Mokulito is a combination of the words “Moku” (Japanese for wood) and “Lito” for the lithographic process. Applying the same principals of the traditional stone-based lithography, in Mokulito, […]

Date: 08/23/2025
Explore Tetra Pak® Prints 2025
Tetra Pak®, with its composition of paperboard base and aluminum interior often used as packaging for soup broth or alternative milk, is an accessible and limitless way to […]

Date: 09/12/2025
Advanced Collagraph: Shaped Plates and Heavy Textures
Create distinctive collagraphs! Cut shaped plates; create heavy textures with gesso and Liquid Nails; explore your embossed textures through contrasting ink colors. Be prepared to experiment and play! […]

Date: 10/05/2025
Print Original Fat Quarters: a Workshop for Quilters
Quilters, enjoy a creative afternoon printing your own designs on fat quarters to incorporate into your quilts. We will cut simple designs and create unique stamps to print […]
One-on-One Instruction
A great educational printmaking opportunity is available at the cooperative, the option of working ONE to ONE with one of our members.
- Choose the print method you wish to explore and your instructor.
- Design a course with your instructor (short term or long term sessions)
- Schedule studio time at your mutual convenience
- Proceed to learn at your own pace
- Acquire the skills to work independently
Minimum fee of $60 for 2 hours.
Sessions may exceed 2 hours, if desired or necessary for meaningful progress.
Additional fees to be determined after a discussion of your goals.
You have several printmaking methods from which to choose!
- Intaglio etching
- Monotype
- Solarplate etching
- Relief printing (linoleum or woodcut)
- Collograph
Demonstrations & Custom Group Events
Our membership is dedicated to keeping the fine art of printmaking alive!
Members regularly provide demonstrations for art-centric groups at our studio. Presentations on various print methods, such as etching, relief (linoluem & woodcut), silkscreen, letterpress and collagraph are available with advanced planning. Group size is typically limited to 12 persons so all may easily view the demonstration. Fees vary.
Interested? Send us an email inquiry for further discussion at info@phoenixrisingprintmaking.org
Custom Group Events
Looking for a creative & fun way to celebrate a special event with friends?
Would you like to inspire your team by introducing them to printmaking?
Various workshops are available to accommodate groups in our studio setting. Our proven courses ensure fun and success for individuals that have little to no art background and/or can inspire creative individuals that wish to explore new skills. Course topics range from watercolor monoprints to embossing bookbinding to letterpress greeting cards and more. Fees vary.
To inquire about scheduling a class, please email info@phoenixrisingprintmaking.org