Calle-Saari: “Exhibit a tribute to women of Antigua”

In 2020, Eliana Calle-Saari, an artist and printmaker from Columbus, went to visit her daughter, who was in medical school on the island of Antigua in the Lesser Antilles.

Thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic just getting underway, Antigua went into lockdown and Calle-Saari found herself a captive for several months on the Caribbean island. Making use of the time and location, she began to create works that reflected the lives of the people she was living around.

“Everything had stopped,” Calle-Saari said. “Tourists returned home; resorts, banks, churches, schools, beaches closed, and strict curfews and mask mandates were imposed.”

But, she said, the women didn’t stop.
Read the Columbus Dispatch article.

Visual arts: ‘Women Carry the Weight of the World’ in images from life on Caribbean island

Thank you, Nancy Gilson, for this Columbus Dispatch article featuring core member, Eliana Calle-Saari’s solo exhibition at Ohio Dominican University’s Wehrle Gallery , on exhibit through April 17, 2022
