About Memberships

Core Membership represents a greater commitment to the cooperative and brings greater privileges. Core members have unlimited 24/7 access to the studio and ample storage for paper, prints and personal supplies. Core Members participate in a monthly business meeting and are influential in directing the activities and intent of the cooperative. They also have the opportunity to exhibit in member shows throughout the year and display their work on the cooperative’s website. Core Memberships are renewed annually and dues may be paid on a monthly or annual basis.

Associate Membership allows a more flexible involvement in the cooperative, and can serve as an introduction to the organization and its members. Associate members enjoy the use of the studio, equipment and supplies during open studio hours or by appointment (subject to monitor availability). Initially, associate members receive instruction on the use of equipment, available supplies and studio guidelines. The Associate membership fee includes either 2 free days of printing or 1 free workshop, additional discounts on studio hours and other workshops, as well as periodic invitations to exhibit with the Core Membership. Associate memberships are renewed annually and hourly fees for any studio time used are billed monthly.
