
Whimsical and playful, the work of Kay Newman is meant to bring a smile.
When I was a young girl, we lived next to a large, wooded area allowing me to roam untethered all day exploring the niches and hideaways among the trees. It was there that I found imaginary dwellings and spaces for my pretend world to exist, and it is there that I return to find inspirations for my work. Many of my pieces will contain flowers and grasses harboring buzzing bees or fanciful dragonflies. You may see a mouse nesting in the underbrush or an abundance of flowers floating around. My work is often a product of spontaneity. Starting with an idea, the piece evolves as I journey through the process of formation, and I seldom know its’ outcome. Organic lines, shapes and color often reveal a theme or subject during its making and from texture, color and line, the beauty I find in nature continues to inspire my creations.
My life has been a long winding path cluttered with many obstacles and switchbacks. From Tool Designer to English Teacher to Art Teacher, my decades long work career has sustained me through all the ups and downs of life. I can think of hundreds of other ways I could have lived my life and the process may have been a little better but this is it and I am content.
I currently work as a high school art teacher and have been a practicing artist for over thirty years. I find encouragement and inspiration in my students, and it is often their comments or ideas that compel me to create. I plan to retire in the spring and will be pursuing my artistic interests from that point on.
Ceramic Exhibits
Worthington arts festival 2022-23
Lilyfest 2024
Art on the Commons Kettering Arts Festival 2022-23
Westerville Art Fair 2022
Octoberfest Dayton Art Institute 2023
Delaware Art Fair 2023-24
Artfest on Main Springboro 2022-23-24
ChristmasFair Columbus ohio 2022-23
Flair on Square Bryan Ohio 2023
Maple and Main Art Festival Sylvania Ohio 2023
Berea Arts Fest 2023
Big Four Arts Festival Louisville Kentucky 2023
Chillicothe Art Fair 2024
Printing Exhibits
Columbus Cultural Art Center 2024
Phoenix Rising member show 2024-25